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What is your connection to Bedford Stuyvesant? Check all that apply:
I currently live in Bedford Stuyvesant
I used to live in Bedford Stuyvesant
I work in Bedford Stuyvesant
I volunteer in Bedford Stuyvesant
I visit Bedford Stuyvesant for events and recreation
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here.
How important is it to you that any expanded uses include flexible community space for events and meetings?
Not at all important
Slightly Important
Fairly Important
Very Important
What scale of impact would you like the armory to have?
Neighborhood Asset
Borough-wide Asset
Citywide Asset
Regional Asset
In what areas do you want to see expanded uses at the armory? Rank your top 3.
Arts and Culture
Business & Economic Development
Education and Workforce Development
Health & Wellness
Affordable or Transitional Housing
Sports and Recreation
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
What uses do you feel would best support the artistic and cultural assets in Bedford Stuyvesant?
Affordable flexible events and programming space for local arts and culture not-for-profit organizations
Cultural center dedicated to the preservation of African diasporic history in Bedford Stuyvesant
Gallery space for local artists
Large rental performance and event space
Affordable artist housing
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
Which of these uses do you feel would best serve small businesses and encourage equitable economic development in Bedford Stuyvesant?
Bank or credit union branch to increase access to both personal and commercial financial services
Food incubator to provide technical assistance and affordable commercial kitchen space to budding food entrepreneurs
Incubator focused on establishing minority owned businesses related to New York’s emerging adult-use cannabis industry
Mixed-use commercial marketplace with spaces designed for small retail and food vendors
One-stop shop for small business services to ensure existing businesses in Bedford Stuyvesant have the support they need to thrive and grow
Small business incubator
Technology, innovation hub, maker space, and fulfillment or e-commerce center
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
Which of these uses do you feel would best support expanding education and workforce development opportunities in Bedford Stuyvesant?
Degree programming and vocational training provided through partnership with an academic institution such as the CUNY system
Education, credentialed skills training and job placement for young adults that are out of school and out of work
Flexible space dedicated to K-12 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture, and Math) programming for children in the neighboring school districts, with a preference for those residing in district 16
Industry specific training and job placement such as construction, agriculture clean energy, tech and cyber security
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
Which of these uses would best support positive health & wellness outcomes for residents of Bedford Stuyvesant?
A hospital affiliated medical center that provides a wide range of primary healthcare services and access to referrals for specialty care
A maternal health and birthing center that provides prenatal and postpartum care for expecting mothers, including access to doulas and midwives
A mental and behavioral health clinic that provides access to services such as counseling and therapy, community education, treatment for substance abuse
Large scale urban garden to provide affordable fresh produce and food education
Holistic Health space with affordable massage, acupuncture, nutrition advice, natural remedy education etc
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
Which of these uses would support ensuring residents of Bedford Stuyvesant have access to safe, affordable housing?
Boarding school that provides CTE for students who would benefit from a stable home and learning environment
Maintain existing temporary shelter for currently homeless individuals
Supportive housing and wrap around services for youth aging out of foster care
Supportive housing with onsite services that help formerly homeless and other vulnerable populations
Transitional Housing
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
Sports and Recreation
Recreation space that allows for multiple uses such as indoor swimming pool, turf, basketball courts and studios
A sports complex to provide recreation and training for residents and /or utilized for tournaments or championship games
Other [please specify]
If you chose other, please write your thoughts here
How important is it to you that any expanded uses prioritize serving Bedford Stuyvesant residents such as preferences for local entrepreneurs, discounted services for residents and targeted programming?
Not at all important
Slightly Important
Fairly Important
Very Important
What is your biggest priority when it comes to potential development at the armory?
Preventing gentrification and displacement
Mitigating nuisances [ie. Noise, utility interruptions, parking or rodents]
Keeping costs low
Having high quality operators and tenants
What mix of public and private funding would you like to see go into the armory?
Mostly public
Mostly private
No preference
What level of renovation at the armory are you comfortable with?
I’m comfortable with minor cosmetic renovations of the facade
OptI’m only comfortable with renovations that are necessary for safety and public useion 2
I’m comfortable with both cosmetic and structural renovations that may impact services
How important is historic preservation of the armory to you?
I’d like the preservation of historic features to be prioritized over other considerations
I’d like to see preservation of historic features whenever feasible
I don’t have any preference
I don’t want preservation of historic features to be considered
What additional thoughts would you like to share?
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